Matters II tells the brutal, fragmented tale of two people trapped in the modern service proletariat. Greta and Gregor Matters endure an everyday reality that routinely ravages their fragile hopes and desperate efforts to create an illusion in which they can survive.
## Again and again, the monotonous routine, which she voiced, at always the same interval after she pressed the confirmation button, the cash register sprang open, she handed over the change, or the discounts were recorded:
thank you … thank you very much, have a nice day … thank you … thank you very much, have a nice day … thank you … thank you very much, have a nice day … He heard the bromazepam in every word she spoke, he supposedly said. He heard the dreadful syllabification of an unreal reality. Every single syllable came from her. But not from her. Every syllable: protection. Every syllable: self-defense. The struggle not to succumb. Here in a market-determined democracy, in the best of all possible worlds. The dictatorship of profit determination. For: the service workers of the proletariat, the most precarious, the temp workers, the click workers, the gig workers, the unnecessary ones. And every one of her [Matters] movements, every single muscle, every desire that spurred her each day to drag more than 2000 kilos of goods across the conveyer belt was an act of self-defense, an effort not to drown or at least to reach the surface in time for her next breath. ##
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208 pages, softcover
First publication: 22.9.2023
Translation: Paul D. Young
Design: Stefan Fuhrer
Language: English
ISBN 978-3-903401-03-7